
Feb 20, 2015

The Advantage of Mindfulness during Work

I was invited as a resource speaker for a college school here in the Philippines.  The topic for the said training is on empowering the students and how they can possibly develop their leadership styles.  In preparations for the said talk, which will occur on the 1st day of March 2015, I browsed the SlideShare site and found some useful materials, which I will integrate with my own materials.

One challenge for employees and workers is having lots of tasks to juggle in a day's work.  They call it multi-tasking.  But I noticed that when I do such things, I lose concentration and I tend to transfer from one work to another, and in the end, the quality of my work suffers.  Instead of being able to finish fast, I tend to take time just to finish one task.

We need to train our mind on how NOT TO MULTI-TASK.  We need MINDFULNESS when we work and this would help us to finish faster and with better results.

Mindfulness means being at the moment.  When you try to work on specific task, give it your full focus and learn not to mind the nagging feeling of other concerns that is lined up for you to finish.  Anyway, you can get back to them when you are done with what you are working on.  Before putting your hands on the task, determine if it's the most important and most urgent.  Learn to prioritize.  When you are able to determine your priorities, schedule each tasks on hand and then start even at a slower pace.  Once you get your entire focus on the task at hand, the flow of concentration will help you finish.

Be mindful with what you do and it starts with prioritizing and planning.