
Sep 28, 2020

Electronic Records Management Now Plays Bigger Role in Sustaining Business

Knowledge Management is very essential in every organization.  A subset of the Knowledge Management System is Records Management.  Today, we shared a free webinar to cooperatives, to inform and remind them of the value of creating policies for proper handling and management of records from its creation, utilization, retention, and destruction.  Also, part of the objective is to provide a deeper awareness of the significance of not undermining the importance of documentation in any organization.

The training provided an understanding of the scope of Records Management.  The focus of the presentation was on establishing and developing an Electronic Records Management System or automating the data and information management in their cooperative.  Especially now that many have implemented a new working condition of telecommuting or mostly known as Work-from-Home setup.  

Digitization is now the new normal.  In every transactions and activity that we conduct, it surely equates to data and information, and the creation of records.  The bigger a cooperative grows, the bulkier are the records that need to be filed and managed. 

We advise, if you are now designing your Business Continuity Plan or business plans, include in your plan the development of your RMS or EDMS (Electronic Data Management System) because it is key to your business sustainability.  With the presence of documented processes, policies, and procedures, new employees would be able to cope with new tasks and functions even if there are no proper turnovers.  By referring to your standard working operations, they'll gain insights on how to act and work in your organization.

To share, here are the videos of the said training.  It was fed live via the NATCCO KRC page.  If you were not able to see and attend it, you can watch the video here.  Also, we provided a link to the speaker's copy of the presentation for your reference.

Video Recording of KRC's free webinar on Introduction to Records Management

Part 1 

Part 2

The number of registered participants during the said training reached 185 pax in the Google Meet and there are other cooperators who joined through the FB Live feed.  The following images are the GROUP PICTURES of Google Meet participants.

To get a copy of the PowerPoint presentation on Records Management, click on the image below and you will be directed to a google drive.

We hope these materials helped you.  Should you need assistance in setting up your RMS, you may contact NATCCO's Consultancy unit or message us at

Keep safe and stay at home, until the coast is clear.  Have a great day ahead!

Making Income during Rest Days or Sundays

Since March, we have been cooped up in our homes.  I feel like I have gone through myriads of emotions and adjustments for the past six (6) months.  This pandemic has taken so many securities away and the activities that bring me joy.

My colleagues and friends fully know that I love my job because I get to travel much.  I gain energy being close to nature, thus going to Mindanao, the Visayas and other rural areas provide me motivation and sources of inspiration.  

What I love most about traveling is I get to take pictures of people, places, and cultures.  The photos that I have taken populates my Instagram accounts and it serves as references for my paintings.  Now, I only have the memories brought by my photos and my window entertains me with the view of my lovebirds and the plants that we have grown for the past few months.  Yes, my family and I started cultivating vegetables and herbs in pots. Thanks to ECQ-GCQ, we discovered new sources of joy.

Another challenge for me is that I lost a big chunk of my source of income.  I lost my travel allowances and as a result, a check I issued for my loan bounced back because my usual cash flow was disrupted.

Financial problem is indeed the best motivator to become resourceful and entrepreneurial.  I started spending time in our kitchen, cooking, and preparing kimchi and oatmeal cookies to cut on cost.  I can still enjoy foods that I love by making it by myself.  Then my neighbors started asking me if they can buy my produce.  Why not?  But #WorkLifeRealities, it didn't last long though because I have a demanding job as an educator and trainer, and with the work-from-home setup, I spent more time facing the computer.  

Then I decided to make products on Saturdays and Sundays.  I started learning from YouTube new products that our neighborhood would like.  That's how I started making Maki-Sushi and Gimbap during Sundays.  I discovered that by posting pretty photos on my FB account, customers who crave the same food that I'm interested in started contacting me and messages come in.  

So now, my new project is to promote my kitchen products.  

Somehow, the income coming in from my cooking helps.  It surprises me that the best thing you can sell online are those things that you yourself are interested in.  

I know, if you are reading this blog, you too are looking for means of augmenting your income stream.  My tip is to discover first the things that you like and you are good at, and make sure that you'll enjoy the process of selling it.  Otherwise, you will just stop.  It still holds true that if you enjoy what you are doing, then it is not working but like a child's play, the effort becomes enjoyable too.  Learn how and where you can sell your products, understand your consumers' preferences, and start building your small business online.

Attend training in online marketing.  There are so many resources you can use online to set up your store.  Look at FB's marketplace, Lazada, and even Shopee.  They offer a platform for online sellers even if you are just a micro-entrepreneur.  Understand their policies.  You might be surprised to know that it is not necessary to have a high volume of goods to sell on these online marketplaces.

I hope this article helps.  Please do comment if you like it or not.  If you have questions, feel free to ask by using the e-mail form in this blog.  

Aug 5, 2020

The Other Side of the Coin of this Pandemic

Metro Manila returned to MECQ (Modified Enhance Community Quarantine).  Since March 16, 2020, our team in NATCCO's Knowledge Resource Center remained working from home #WFH.  Initially, it was really difficult, we need to learn fast, think fast, innovate fast, and implement fast in service to the cooperatives that we serve.  We've given free training as a means of helping the cooperatives cope with the current situation.  With the return of MECQ, it is easier to accept, especially that the threat of pandemic on the lives of people remained high.

This morning, our cat Marble entered my room and laid down on my chair.  He has been seeing me glued to my chair for so many days.  He looked so cute that I cannot shoo him away from my post.  Though hesitant, I took my laptop and worked on my bed.  I am thankful to Marble because I discovered the comfort of sitting relaxed and feeling comfortable while working.  But still, I checked myself and reminded myself that the bed may lure me to sleep.  I gave Marble a few hours of sleep on my chair and prepared to go to the bank.

The bank I transact with is just 500 meters away from home.  Confidently, I brought my e-bike with me to submit the post-dated checks for my loan.  Unfortunately, the branch I frequent to was close and that the next branch is more than a kilometer away from home.  I asked myself, Which is more stressful, having to pay interest for the late posting of checks or traveling the road on my e-bike?  I opted for the second action.  I haven't travel far but to my amazement, I was happily riding my e-bike going to the bank because there's no traffic and the day is nice.  Going out after being coop for so long felt good.  Upon arriving at the bank, the guard asked me to fill up the waiver after taking my temperature.  I cannot clearly read what was written but with full of humor, the guard guided me on how to fill it up.  For a long time, it felt good communicating with people.  I really missed interacting with people.

As I checked my LinkedIn account, I noticed one post by an airline mechanical engineer.  He is thanking his employer for the experience of working for this airline.  His message was full of understanding and he is still filled with positivity that after the pandemic, he'll be able to resume working as an airplane mechanical engineer.  At first, I thought I would be sad for this person.  I checked on the reaction buttons and noticed there's lots of care coming from people who aren't even related to him.  Checking the comments on his post, there are lots of offers coming from companies needing his expertise.  It's amazing!  By just sharing what he felt, and having a positive attitude behind his situation opened up a lot of opportunities and positive energy for him.

Lessons learned from today's MECQ?  Well, with this pandemic our other eyes were opened.  We look for possibilities to cope with our losses.  In every problem, there's indeed the other side of the coin.  Instead of worrying about catching the virus, I think I should spend my energy by enhancing my physique.  While working from home, I may now be able to find a few minutes to exercise (which I am so lazy to do).  We should be looking at possibilities instead of what is worrying us.  I admit I am a work in progress... I need to keep raising my positive energy.  And admitting would be the start.  I hope that you, too, will gain positive energy by looking at the other side of the coin.

Jul 22, 2020

Balance of Authority and Responsibility

I just finished watching a Korean series entitled Ms. Hammurabi.  I like the plot because it teaches us values, which we may never have noticed if we would not try very hard to understand.   Let me share with you one part of its story that made me think as I ponder work-life realities.  

The female associate judge in the story kept on emphasizing that the poor and less privileged in court hearings are powerless.  She was very adamant to listen well to the poor's plea, and when a suspect came from a rich family, she has the tendency to think that they are mostly at the advantage.  However, in one session, the rich suspect was given a verdict of guilty for raping a young lady, even if the witnesses' statements were not strong.  When the suspect heard the verdict that he would be spending time behind bars, he collapsed.  The associate judge was astounded to see him falling.  She had never seen a man fall or collapse like that before.  

The next scene was inside the office of the presiding judge.  He talked to the lady associate judge.  He said that he understands her compassion towards the poor.  But there is something that they, as judges, should not forget when they do their job.  That is, the most powerful person inside the courtroom are they, the judges.  And justice should serve the truth and not be biased whatever is the person's stature in life.  Their understanding and decisions can cause the life of any man, and thus they should take their duty carefully and seriously.

I tried to look at my work as a trainer and a consultant closely, and asked myself, what would be the impact of my job to the people who listen to my words.  I say it can make them and break them depending on how they will use it in their work-life.  Thus, I have to be very conscientious in sharing accurate information and answering the questions of every participant.  

Some may not be able to understand why teachers and professors are so strict.  But they who listen well and try to understand the motive behind has higher chances of success compared to those who take the teachings lightly.  I say this because I am lucky enough to meet mentors (from MESEDEV2) who are really passionate in teaching us.  The amount of work and studies they had given us showed the amount of trust that we would do our job as students, which is to study well.

At work, we mentor our employees and we weed them by letting them go through the processes.  If you are a coach or a mentor, don't feel bad if your mentee was not able to understand your actions and intentions when you train them.  We, as mentors, continue to find people who needed our help.  And when they come, share with them the lessons (in life) that you can give them.  In the end, the reward would be you will have no regrets and you can move on.  

There is one tool we have that can cut and can save as trainers or teachers.  That tool is our tongue.  We have to manage our thoughts and words, by thinking if what we would say is beneficial to our listeners.  Just like in the story of Ms. Hammurabi, let us always remember that when our students open their ears and mind to listen, they have given us their trust.  It is then our responsibility to say the right thing, as well as listen well to what they are not saying.  We need to continue growing and learning so that we will have something to teach and share.

Thank you for reading today's blog entry.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.  

May 14, 2020

Worklife Reality, What Competencies Do You Need to Deal with the New Normal?

We have been working from home (WFH) since March 16, 2020.  Work life reality is having a stable internet access gives you freedom and mobility in the digital world and community.  With the new arrangement of WFH, the managers are wary of monitoring the productivity of their staff.  For me, productivity equates to output and being able to increase visibility in this time of ECQ where physical presence is near to impossible.

I have realized that WFH may tend to consume you more than when you are working in the office.  First, the extreme summer heat saps out our energy, as well as increases our electric bills.  Second, it eats up more of your time because you tend to stay longer in front of your computer, specially when there is so much to do and finish at the soonest possible time.

The free webinars are abundant, and tendency is you feel you need to attend every webinars that give information on how you would deal with these new normal.  However, many of these webinars are the same in its context and not many of the speakers are great, or even good.  In the end, you feel you've wasted your time listening to the same stories.  

Third, having the skills in digital management to get you around the web is now on your hands.  Instead of calling the department who usually addresses your needs, you have to explore and search for technical answers when you are moderating and facilitating your own live feeds and webinars.  Instead of dealing with just planning, implementing and writing programs, you now have to understand how and when to mute your mic, closing your camera to improve streaming, as well as finding where to click for chat or sharing your presentations.

With all those challenges, I realized that we need the same competencies when WFH.  Here's what I mean:

     We need to discipline ourselves how much time we need to spend on work and activities related to our job.  Just the same when you work in the office, you need to plan your day-to-day activities so that you'll be able to accomplish much within eight (8) hours.  I suggest you set your working time and take your usual breaks when working from home.

     Choose wisely among the webinars that you wishes to attend.  Check the content and ask yourself, "Do I need this?  Will it help me gain knowledge or skill that I'll be able to use?"  Knowing your skills gap, and knowing when and where to stop are the same thing that we need to determine when we train for work.

     Before, the traffic and the reports' deadlines stresses us.  But now, there are new stressors while working from home.  We get stressed by the news, loss of income, lack of mobility and change in our cash flow.  Those who are extroverts or loves traveling, they get stressed for losing chance to explore or losing social interactions.

     The key to managing our stress is to understand what causes it.  If you are stressed by the news, try to watch news only once and do not open any news link while working.  If the loss of income source stressed you, don't linger on the problem for so long.  Focus your energy on how you can gain income through the use of social media and internet.  One opportunity I've seen is the influx of "Delivery" services.  In some community, a housewife volunteered to purchase groceries for those who are not able to but on their own.  She just charges PhP 300.00 for the delivery and service.  Others, they started writing articles and some resorted to accepting transcription jobs.  Doing this gives you chance to address 2 of the stressors;  cashflow and income source.  For those who get stressed by lack of social interactions, join online concerts, watch parties, or even online classes.  Be creative!

    The IN-thing now are webinars, online learning and online classrooms.  There are several expertise you can develop if you plan to offer courses or tutorials online.  One is your subject matter expertise.  But by presenting, you need also to master the tools like the use of online forms, use of online presentations, understanding of the classroom platforms, making and creating videos and reading materials for assignments.  Not to mention, the lighting and sound management to make yourself look presentable during the webinar.

     Creating materials like videos and presentations require expertise in animation, voice-over creation and understanding of the viewers.  With that said, you can offer your newly found competence as a service to those looking for content developers.

     Content management expertise are very much in demand.  Knowing the right layout for websites and blogs is not common for many.  If you have the "Creative Eye", try to explore if you can develop your skills in website or blog development.

     For the past weeks, I received offers from many acquaintances.  They suddenly remembered after a long loss of communication.  And they remembered my name to offer me opportunities to sell products and services online, using my social media accounts.  So if you have the aptitude or skills in selling, you'll surely get income by doing these.  Much more, it would be beneficial if you have developed-well your Social Networks.

Another, if you are really appealing or can hold yourself well in front of the camera, plus the ability to communicate well, you can be a social media star.  They are called INFLUENCERS.  If you feel you have wide range of followers, then work on finding principals who would be willing to hire you as a product endorser or promoter.

I hope you are able to get something while reading my blog.  If you would want to add more, please feel free to comment.  I shared this as I feel that many are like me, trying to waddle and paddle in the marsh of the new normal.  Stay home, keep some physical distance... but keep in touch virtually!