
Nov 26, 2011

How to Pass A Job Interview?

The Key To Successful Job Interview is Coming Prepared

You applied for a specific job and you've sent your resume to the company that you would want to work for.  You were confident that you can land this job.  But then, during the initial interview, the interviewer informed you that they will just give you a call.  You wondered why you did not proceed to the next step of the recruitment procedure.

There could be several reasons and you could have gained an insight to where you are lacking by having the confidence to ask the interviewer about where you could improve during the interview process.  Usually, interviewers are HR practitioners and they are usually willing to help applicants by sharing information that could improve the applicants’ chance of getting a job.
The key to successfully landing a job lies in the preparation you've made.  When you sent that resume, you've assessed already that you are fit for the position you are applying for, skills-wised.  However, your confidence in answering the questions also counts for the interviewer to consider you for the next step.  So what are that things that you need to prepare when you are scheduled for an interview: 

Personality - The way you carry yourself, your confidence should be enough for the post that you are applying for.  If you are applying for a marketing position, you should exude confidence and sell yourself with sincere reply to questions and do not be too shy in answering questions.  Be clear with your answers and expound on points.  The interviewer wants to learn more about you, your strengths, weakness, potentials and what you can offer to the company.  If you just answer yes or no, or if you are too critical with the answers that you give, the impression left to the interviewer is that you are too privy and not honest enough.  Others may think that you have poor communication skills.  Also, check the way you wear your dress, is it well ironed and not too loud; the way you sit and the gestures you have during the interview.  Relax and think that during the interview, you are talking to a potential friend.  Be candid with your answers and be careful not to offend the interviewer.

How well you know yourself? - There are some situational types of questions.  Cite examples from your past experiences in providing the answers. Do not give theoretical answers and do not assume.  Also, remember that your weaknesses are not really weaknesses that would never change. When you are asked what your weaknesses are, provide an answer that would tell them that your weaknesses are actually areas for improvement and that you acknowledge it and intend to improve it. 

Proof and Credibility - When you sent your resume, the contents of it are actually declaration of what you can do.  Now, what you need to bring are proof documents or hard copy of what you declared in your resume.  Bring a copy of your training certificates, diploma, and transcript of records and even NBI or police clearance.  The last two (2) documents are actually pre-employment requirements.  Seeing that you have it would only tell the interviewer that you are keen on securing the job and that you are a trustworthy person.

Be prepared with your questions - The interviewer usually ends his or her questioning by asking if you have any question.  The best questions would be those related to the company or the job you are applying for.  Of course you need to make a research about the company.  But what you can ask from them is their expectation for the kind of worker they need for specific positions.  Do not immediately ask about the compensations and benefits package.  Wait until you reach the job offer.  Because asking about it would only show that you don't really care about securing a career and that you are more concerned with what you can get from them.  Get inside the organization first then prove that they've made the right choice.  The proper time to ask for an increase is when you've provided an exemplary performance and output.

These are just few tips on how to start your career right.  I hope it also provided useful insights in the interview process.